Get an idea of what your project costs. Actual prices vary by scope, material, plant choices, and amount of hidden work required (drainage, soil amendments, irrigation, and site clearing)
Schedule a meeting with Neil Atzinger this week to get your estimate.
Book below or call (734)272-7321
Stamped concrete patio, beds amended with compost and garden soil, grading for drainage, drain tile installed, perennials, ornamental grasses, bulbs, and shrubs planted, steel edging installed.
Decorative fieldstone added, lighting replaced, lupine, sedum, dwarf lilac, nepeta, and pyramidal boxwood planted. Clay soil amended, mulch.
Scrub and poison ivy removal and disposal, soil test, walnut toxin soil amended, grading, steel edging welded into place, tiered lawn installed, perennials and ornamental trees and shrubs planted, linear horizontal steppers installed along walkway and set into lawn.
Mossy fieldstone carefully installed, approx 50 shade perennials planted, soil graded to allow for drainage but present garden to home, privacy fence, mulch.
Stepping stone walkways installed, hundreds of shade perennials carefully selected for deer and juglone resistance and planted, soil amendments, mulch, transplant existing shrubs.
Tier existing slope, install fieldstone retaining wall locking stones in place, install limestone flagstone stepping stones, amend construction grade soil with garden soil w/ compost, carefully select Western Cedar 'Steeplechase' to tolerate sheering, transplant existing perennials.
Decomposed granite sourced and installed in a serpentine pathway, clay soil amended, drainage issues resolved, approx 200 shade and flowering perennials planted, bulbs planted, ornamental trees planted.
Mature shrubs carefully reused and transplanted into a hedge, boulders moved, large potting arrangements installed, irrigation repairs, lawn repairs, hundreds of perennials planted after soil improvements.
Scrub brush removed, 5 yards soil added, approx 7 tons fieldstone delivered and installed, river rock (tumbled natural stone of various size) added to "river bed", natural stone stepping bridge installed, steps installed in wall.
A typical "zone" covers 1000 square feet. Atzinger Gardens is certified by Rachio smart irrigation systems, syncing your sprinkler controller to your phone and weather service.
Lighting quotes range widely and are dependent on total system size (affecting transformer size) and fixtures chosen. Initial costs are offset by low operational cost by using low voltage LED lights.
Soil displacement/removal, electrical and plumbing installation, rubber liner cut and glued to size, natural fieldstone and river rock laid, fall rocks carefully selected and sealed into place, water plants and koi placed into pool. Maintenance and annual cleaning available.